by otm | May 14, 2019 | Hip & Knee Joint Replacement, Specialty
Whether you have a grand plan to scale all 53 of Colorado’s fourteeners or just casually explore the trails close to your home, many hikers struggle with knee pain after an outing. While hiking down inclines may be the source of pain, hikers may not need to stick to...
by otm | Nov 29, 2017 | Specialty, Hip & Knee Joint Replacement
Your hip is your body’s largest joint, and its ball-and-socket construction affords you a wide range of movement, strength and, usually, durability. It’s not immune to injury or deterioration with age, however, and many patients complain of hip pain. Because of its...
by otm | Jan 24, 2017 | Hip & Knee Joint Replacement, Specialty
We’re a state of activity – cycling, swimming, running, hiking, rock climbing – and whether native or transplant, we love the Colorado lifestyle. The rub for all that activity is sometimes the inevitable for many folks – nagging hip pain. There is an answer: a...
by Carli Taylor-Drake | Jan 9, 2015 | Specialty, Hip & Knee Joint Replacement
This event with Dr. William Cooney is open to the public and free of charge. A RSVP is not required but is appreciated. To RSVP please call 303.485.4184 or go to More about this event with Dr. William Cooney: Hip and knee arthritis affects people of...
by Carli Taylor-Drake | Oct 1, 2013 | Hip & Knee Joint Replacement, Specialty
How should I prepare for my hip replacement? Low impact cardio exercises are a good way to prepare for hip replacement surgery. Consider using an exercise bike, doing water aerobics or swimming. Not only are these exercises helpful in your surgery...
by Carli Taylor-Drake | Aug 29, 2013 | Hip & Knee Joint Replacement, Specialty
What can I do to strengthen my knee? -by Dr. Robert FitzGibbons (The response to this type of question needs to be individualized. ) A younger individual without any significant knee arthritis can be more aggressive in lower extremity strengthening. There are...